Aplikacja jest dostępna na platformach iOS i Android, więc każdy, kto posiada smartphone, może z niej skorzystać. Można łatwo pobrać aplikację korzystając z QR kodu. Serdecznie zapraszamy do zwiedzania.
Zadanie zrealizowano w ramach projektu pn. „Łomża – Miasto, w którym żyję i pracuję” w ramach Programu Rozwój Lokalny, finansowanego z Norweskiego Mechanizmu Finansowego 2014-2021".
Take a tour of Lomza with a mobile app
The audio tour 'Zasmakuj w Łomży' [en. Taste in Lomza] is a simple, enjoyable and entertaining way to get to know our city. The audio tour is divided into 2 routes: short and long. They allow you to get to know the monuments and architectural elements of Lomza. They both begin at the Old Market Square of Lomza and lead through the streets of the city, allowing you to admire iconic places such as the Cathedral, the historic cemetery, Żydowska Street or take a sentimental trip to the Great Synagogue. The mobile app is available in Polish and English and allows you to plan your route around specific points.
The app is available on iOS and Android platforms, so anyone with a smartphone can use it. You can easily download the app using the QR code. We sincerely encourage you to take a tour.
The task was carried out as part of the project entitled ‘Lomza – the City where I Live and Work’, under the Local Development Programme, financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.