Wydarzenie zostało zorganizowane wspólnie z Gminą Piątnica w ramach projektu pn. „Łomża – Miasto, w którym żyję i pracuję”, finansowanego ze środków Norweskiego Mechanizmu Finansowego 2014-2021.
A fair with alpacas was held
Stands with traditional and regional food and handicraft products awaited all those who came to the John Paul II - Pilgrim Pope Park on Sunday 24 July for the "Taste in Lomza" Fair. A special attraction for the youngest was an educational alpaca enclosure.
The event was organised jointly with the Municipality of Piatnica as part of the project entitled 'Lomza - The city where I live and work', funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.
foto Kamil Brzostowski