Wydarzenie organizowane jest w ramach realizacji projektu pn. „Łomża - Miasto, w którym żyję i pracuję” finansowanego ze środków Norweskiego Mechanizmu Finansowego 2014-2021 - Program Rozwój Lokalny. Serdecznie zapraszamy.
tekst i foto: MOSiR
End of Holidays at Lomza Boulevards
We would like to invite you to the "End of Summer Holidays" event at the sports and recreation grounds by the Narew River at Zydowska Street in Lomza. The event will begin at 12 p.m. on Sunday, 27 August, and will last until 6 p.m. On that day, an inflatable attractions zone and an animation zone will be created on the Lomza boulevards, where games and activities with animators will be held. There will be sports challenges, soap bubbles and face painting.
The event is organised as part of the implementation of the project entitled "Lomza - the City where I Live and Work" funded from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 - Local Development Programme. We extend a warm welcome to the event.
text and photo: MOSiR